4D Buckle Series

The 4D Summer Buckle Series is a series of multiple jackpots held throughout the summer for youth and adults that occurs on Tuesday nights at the Tri-State Equine Park at the Dubuque County Fairgrounds. Those competing must be current members of the Tri-State Saddle Club. Competitors will pay an entry fee and payout will be given the night of the jackpot. Competitors will also earn points towards year end award buckles. 

2024 Dates

  • May 21
  • June 11
  • July 9
  • August 13
  • September 10


  • May 28
  • June 18
  • July 16
  • August 20
  • September 17




  • Open 4D Barrels & Youth, 18 & Under Barrels
  • Youth will run with Open 4D and will C/O if entered in both.
  • Entry Fee Youth $20 – Open $25
  • Office/Tractor Charge $5 per Horse/Rider
  • Exhibition $5/run
  • 70% Payback
  • ½ Second splits Knocked Barrel / NO TIME
  • 1 ST place ‘D’ Buckles awarded in Open 4D.
  • Youth Awards & 4D Buckles will be presented at the TSSC Year End Banquet
  • Year End prizes require attendance of 51% of events
  • Yearly TSSC Membership required to compete.
  • Info and Draw along with Cancellations due to weather (by 3pm) will be posted on TSSC’s Facebook Group – “TSSC 4D Summer Buckle Series
  • Online Entries Only, Paypal payment required for entry to be accepted.
  • No in person Entries will be taken at the event.
  • The entry form will be posted at least 1 week prior to event. Pre-Draw entries close at 6 pm on Sunday night prior to event.
  • Entries after that time will be added to the end of the pre-draw. Late Entries will close when 1 st runner enters the arena. NO Entries are accepted without payment.
  • Announcements made the night of the event take precedence over written material.
  • The Tri-State Saddle Club and the Dubuque County Fair Association are not responsible for accidents, injury, theft, or any loss under IA Liability Law 132 No. 67.


Those competing in the 4D Buckle Series must be current paid members of the Tri-State Saddle Club.  Membership can be taken day of the event.


A food stand is not available on the grounds.  The show committee does try to coordinate with local food trucks to provide delicious options